I thank God for my Kris

My Kris celebrates another anniversary with me. Kris is my boy cat. He is such a mama's boy. I love him.

He is named Kris because I met and fell in love with my kitty one cold Christmas night in the Bronx. I lived in Massachusetts at the time and took him home with me. Since then, Kris moved with me to Puerto Rico and we are now back in New York City.

He is my big, fat orange cat. My Christmas cat.

Go visit Kris and my other kitty buddies at Catster:
#1 cat site for cats & bipeds!


Lorenza said…
Hoy recibi tu tarjeta! Muchas gracias!
Mi mama no habia tenido tiempo de visitar tu blog pero hoy por fin se sento a buscarlo!
Es un alivio poder hacer comentarios en espanol pues el ingles no es nuestro idioma... solo tratamos!
Espero que tu y toda tu familia estan muy bien y les deseo un 2010 lleno de salud y amor!